Our today’s topic is very serious and important, which is titled “How can we all Indian citizens, by unity, using our fundamental rights, contribute to uproot corruption from the country?” You must be familiar with the title of my topic and a question will arise in your mind that all of us Indian citizens, how can uproot corruption from the country.

I have a very simple answer to this question, if you all cooperate in this then we will definitely be successful in uprooting corruption. Now the question must be arising in your mind again that what kind of cooperation will be it. I would just like the cooperation from every Indian that they should send this article to as many people as possible, so that this serious matter reach the government with full proof and our law be amended, and this will be possible only then, when we all unite and send this article to the government. Let us know, what is the topic that I have, which is very important for everyone to know.
I have been fighting against corruption for the last 20 years, In which I have found that it is the people holding the strongest and most important positions in the government system, who not only hide corruption indirectly but also commit corruption themselves. Most of the government officials holding high positions in the government system, carry out this openly by forming their own lobby. I complained about corruption in the Prime Minister’s Office, President’s Secretariat and the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances, which were mostly closed down by the corrupt lobby of mostly IAS, IPS and ministers.
Because of my 20 years of fighting against corruption, the evidence I have presented with logic, the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances has reluctantly accepted my complaint again and sent it to Himachal Secretariat. There is big corruption of former Chief Secretary of Himachal Pradesh, Mr. V C Parkha, after my continuous complaints and efforts, a police investigation was conducted against him, On the basis of which, this case is pending for 6 years. But due to corruption of mostly IAS, IPS and ministers, it is closed illegally again and again. Every time, the case is reopened after the evidence is presented with logic and informed to share the case on social media, but no action is deliberately taken.
This is not a common case, mostly IAS, IPS and ministers are involved in it. I am giving the complaint numbers in sequential order. You all should share it as much as possible, so that it reaches the government. The corruption that is being done by most of the IAS, IPS and ministers is happening in every sector of the country, the field of justice or any government office, the extent is that this system of corruption has reached the private sector also. Using the Right to Information Act in the Prime Minister’s Office, I attended a hearing in the Central Information Commission on this matter, but the Chief Information Commissioner also suppressed this corruption.
This topic should not be too big, so without saying much about myself, I would just like to say that In these 20 years, I had to lose my job, I spent all the money which I earned against fighting corruption. I am giving the complaint numbers in sequential order, you should share this article as much as possible, so that the law be amended and corruption completely eradicated from our country.

Narendra Singh is the founder of this website. He has considerable experience in the hotel industry. Through his articles, he expresses his views to make people aware of the evils going on in the society and to avoid them. To fulfill this objective, he has switched his 18 years long career of the hotel industry and entered in his favorite and interesting career, media. He not only warns against social evils, Rather, by using the Right to Information Act 2005, they expose social evils and inform the concerned department for action against the culprits.