Superstition is a big threat to the society, which has caught many people from educated to uneducated person. Superstition can be removed only through awareness.

No person in the world comes after learning knowledge from the womb. He starts learning after birth, and continues to learn throughout his life. He also has to face many mistakes in the learning cycle, every person makes some mistake in his life, which he learns by improving. They are fortunate to have experienced parents and experienced mentors as guides, who from the very beginning teach them to stay away from superstitions. Here I mean experienced parents and gurus(teachers) who learned from mistakes in their life and became experienced guides of their children and disciples in life.
We have to understand the difference between faith and superstition. If someone says that you did not worship or preach God, then good will not happen to you or you will get to hear bad news. It is all superstition. God never says that you worship me then only you will be well. Nowadays some people confuse people by sending such messages on WhatsApp and Facebook also. Many people get so scared that they forward that message to 10 people according to the message.
Fear is not the solution to any problem, the problem can be solved only by facing the problem firmly, not by superstition. Do not know how many people have been and are becoming victims of superstition, we all get to read this in history books and newspapers. As I mentioned in my first paragraph that every human being learns from his mistakes, so we should guide the scared person by not making fun of him, so that he is not exploited. We should aware the people. Strict action should be taken against those who run shops in the name of religion.