This topic is very important for my all readers. when you have an issue in your workplace and your official are not resolving it then grievance is related to your workplace. when you have any issues in government offices like license, passport, pension etc. if government offices are not resolving your issues then your grievance is related to above concerned government offices.
Now you have two option to resolve your issue, first discussing your grievance to your concerned official directly. It is the best way to resolve your issue as soon as possible, if your official approve it.

Second option, you need to submit your grievance in concerned grievance redressal cell. Grievance redressal cell is a part of every concerned ministry, where online and offline grievances are registered.
Before writing to any grievance redressal cell, you should write a letter or email to your concerned official first and wait for the reply of your concerned official. If your official do not reply on a specific time, or reply with misleading information then you should upload both letters with your description in concerned grievance redressal cell by submitting your grievance online. You can also submit both letters offline by postal service with your grievance description to grievance redressal cell.
After registering a grievance with concerned grievance redressal cell, you will get a unique number on your mobile number and email to track your grievance. After a specific time, you can send reminder to your grievance.
if you are not satisfied with decision of concerned grievance redressal cell, then you can register your grievance to higher authority like President Secretariat, Prime minister office of your country.
In my upcoming blog, I will discuss importance of Right to Information Act-2005 in India. Every government offices are covered by Right to Information Act-2005 law including above all grievance redressal cell.