There can be many reasons for name change such as Astrological reason, error in school records, change in surname of women after marriage, Adoption, if person found suffering from gender dysphoria after treatment of Psychiatrist and Psychologist, if person(suffering from gender dysphoria) with the permission of Psychiatrist and Psychologist, medically changed his or her gender by the process of surgery, they need to change their name and gender to all the concerned documents etc. What is gender dysphoria?
Department of Publication, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India do the process of name change etc. and publish it in Gazette of India. The Department of Publication helps the people in documentation process to final documentation. Address of Department of Publication- Department of Publication, Civil Lines Delhi-110054, Near Vidhan Sabha Metro Station.

After checking all the documents, the official of the Department of Publication tells the name and gender change etc. fees, which can be paid online, after verifying the receipt with the documents by official of Department of Publication, submit it to the relevant counter of Department of Publication, get the acknowledgement receipt of submission of documents for future reference. After that you have to wait for it to be published in Gazette of India. The Department of Publication publishes name change etc. in every Saturday in Gazette of India. You can download eGazette from the website
For more purity, you should contact the Department of Publication for the name change etc. process as new updates may come from time to time, I am giving the list of name change documents below for your information only.
First of all, you have to make an affidavit of name change and gender change etc. by notary. You have to provide name and new name, gender, current address, reason for changing the name, gender etc. in the affidavit.
In the second step, you will have to publish advertisement in the newspaper to change the name and gender etc.
In the third step, after filling and signing the name change forms of the Department of Publication, attach the original copy of the advertisement of name and gender change published in newspaper and name and gender change affidavit with the documents. You will also have to attach your two self-attested photos and self-attested identity and address proof. You will also have to make a digital CD ” soft copy of specimen in a compact disc(CD)” which is to be published in the Gazette of India, you will have to attach it with the documents, after the document is ready, you will have to verify it with the Department of Publication, Civil Lines, Delhi-110054. After that department of Publication fill the fees details, you can pay fees online and attach the receipt with the documents and verify fees receipt with documents by department of Publication, submit it to relevant counter of Department of Publication and get the acknowledgement receipt for future reference. You can check Gazette in every Saturday, when your details publish in Gazette, download it and use it for name and gender change in Aadhar card etc. Important documents.